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The Practice

Vinyasa Krama

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Vinyasa Krama (The art form of movement, sequencing and breath)

I have spent 35 years, exploring, refining and road testing various yoga practices, to find what works, and what is sustainable for householder yogis like us. 

My teaching is an invitation to you, to explore your own unique yoga journey.

 My classes are inspired by the of the lineage of the legendary father of modern yoga
Sri.T. Krishnamacharya and his “Vinyasa Krama Method” as taught by my teacher Srivatsa Ramaswami
(who studied with T.Krishnamacharya for 35 years) 

The system has elements which you may not have experienced before.
It requires a willingness to learn new things, which will deepen your experience of yoga.

 Vinyasa Krama is essentially an internalized ritual which you refine over time to purify your own mind, body and heart.

There is no struggle, no sweating, no pushing, no stress, just acceptance of who and what you are right now, and a nurturing of that potential.

The breath and heart rate remain steady, not elevated.

This Traditional Vinyasa is not "flow" yoga, but repetitive movements (vinyasas) that prepare for the static posture.

The breath is slow conscious Ujaayi with equal and unequal breath patterns for different postures.
Dharana (mental focus)  Bandhas (energetic seals)
lead through Pranayama to the goal of Dhyana (meditation)

The practice is done with a combination of eyes closed and open, gazing at internal Marma Points or external Drishti.

The default head position is chin down gazing towards the heart.

Full Body Mudras (energetic refinements) ie. Maha Mudra, Tataka Mudra etc. are an essential part of every practice.
A significant part of each session is devoted to sitting pranayama and meditation.

The system covers over 700 different Vinyasas which Krishnamacharya taught to S. Ramaswami specifically for group class instruction, but out of which a very adaptable personal practice can be created.

The practice is spread over several days so fewer postures are performed more slowly and mindfully in each session, each practice focuses on a different group of postures eg. Standing, forward bends, inversions, backbends, meditative poses etc.

Physical ability and flexibility are not pre-requsites for this practice.
However there are very challenging vinyasas for those who are able.

This practice is not an a performance or an entertainment, what matters is what you cannot see. 

I feel blessed  to have discovered this beautiful art form of yoga, and the humble respectful transmission of Srivatsa Ramaswami
which is designed to be very do-able yet still transformative for modern Householder Yogis like us!

Sivananda Yoga

Classes incorporate structured asana sequences in which postures are held, periods of relaxation, breathing practices, deep relaxation, Sanskrit chanting, hands-on adjustments, kriyas (purification techniques) and Yogic teachings. This is a classical Indian Hatha Yoga style, which promotes mental balance, relaxation and physical wellbeing




An essential tool for deepening your experience of Yoga and of life in general. Sharing meditation practice with others is a beautiful and empowering experience. We chant traditional mantras, practice Pranayana (breathing techniques), explore Yogic teachings, experience guided meditation practices and share food (Prasad).

Suitable for beginners and experienced meditators, classes are open to all not just existing students.

Don't worry if you cannot sit comfortably on the floor, props and chairs are provided.  Satsang means sharing the company of the wise, good and virtuous. We chant together, watch movies about Yoga or related topics, share vegan food and get to know each other better. Building community is part of the practice of Yoga.

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