Sunday 26th Jan 2020 5.00 - 8.00pm
I have invited Extinction Rebellion to give a climate change talk - "Heading for Extinction and what to do about it" for our Satsang gathering in January.
I am keen to honour the legacy of our Jivamukti teachers Sharon Gannon and David Life who have fought so bravely and with such inspiration, often against much opposition, to embed animal rights, veganism and environmental awareness into modern yoga culture.
As yoga practitioners we need to be aware that inner peace cannot be had without making peace with nature, the way we treat the environment and everything in it, is a reflection of how we treat ourselves and each other.
I hope that this presentation by passionate environmental activists will encourage us to consider the connection between inner and outer awareness and how we can integrate the two in a practical manner in our daily lives.
Open to all. Chairs available.
Donations accepted
book at the Yoga Studio or call - 01353 698090
There is no charge for this event, but it is helpful to us to know numbers attending.