A big virtual HUG from all at Yoga Studio Ely!!

We have been missing you dear yogis.
Its time to get back on track and we are here to help.
If you havn't made it to the studio since lockdown i would like to offer you a
just turn up and begin again, no judgement, no expectations just feeling your way back into your breath, body and soul.
Hope to see you soon
Lots of Love and Shanti Mark
As from Monday 14th September we will be implementing some changes (as below) to make it simpler and easier for you to attend class at the studio and get your practice back on track. Please be assured that all Covid guidelines will be followed by us with reference to cleaning/sanitising, tracking and teaching protocol. (Please note additional hand sanitisers now in chill out room and practice area) Please continue to place your mats in the marked areas, observe social distancing, use the hand sanitisers and help us to create an environment that is as safe and as considerate as possible for all. Please continue to bring your own mat, drinking water and personal props to all classes. Thankyou. I have listed the LATEST CHANGES for Yoga Studio Ely below.
Please feel free to get back to me if you have any questions.
We are trying to return the studio as much as possible to its natural state as we explained in Mondays newsletter, however the wording of the new Government guidelines is a little confusing for yoga studios
This post from British Wheel of Yoga clarifies the situation. It states - Update for ENGLAND: In light of yesterday's 9 September 2020 government updates we can happily confirm that we are able to continue to operate as we are. There are no changes to how Yoga indoor and outdoor sessions are running. Yoga is not primarily a socialising activity and so we are in principle permitted to continue with our current best practice guidelines. In the context of the new rules on gatherings in England, the Government has clarified that, from 14 September, people can continue to: - use leisure facilities, including gyms and pools - take part in organised indoor and outdoor physical activity, sports and exercise classes - take part in organised outdoor sport and physical activity events - take part in organised sports and activities that have been through Return to Play protocols People should avoid travelling in groups, or gathering in social groups of more than six people within a facility. Otherwise there are essentially no changes to the existing guidance in a professional context. Please read carefully
Classes will now be limited to 10 students, thus maintaining safe in class distancing.
Online Booking through our website is now ESSENTIAL for all classes. This allows us to control student numbers and access Covid tracking info if required.
Apologies but 'Drop in' is no longer available.
Class cards CANNOT be used now, so as to avoid possible cross contamination. Your class cards will remain valid.
If you are attending, or plan to attend studio classes, and you have a viable class card, we can refund the value to your account so you can use the money to buy classes online. Please send us an email with your bank details if you would like this option.
The chill out room and orchard deck are available to you before and after class, so that if you wish to chat, social distancing can be easily observed. Please do not hang out or chat in the cloakroom it is too small and is a thoroughfare.
We are sorry but filtered water, tea and use of chill out room sink are not available at this time.
Purchasing Classes. Individual classes @ £10 CLICK HERE for updated booking page.

Wednesday- Sivananda Hatha with Rob - 7.00 - 8.30pm
Thursday - Spiritual Warrior with Bianca - 7.00 - 8.30pm
Friday - Jivamukti with Fiona - 6.30 - 8.00pm
Saturday- Sivananda Hatha with Jo - 9.00 - 10.30am
Sunday- Jivamukti with Kane - 9.00 - 10.30am

We look forward to seeing you at the studio soon. Love and Shanti Mark, Marion, Bianca, Jo, Sabrina, Fiona, Kane, Robert, Charlotte and Carly. Serve Love Give Purify Meditate Realise